Dine-in, Take out and Delivery options for the whole family. Follow us @coyotesyk for daily Dine-in and Delivery Specials as well as exclusive offers and contests.
Coyote’s Bistro is Yellowknife’s premiere family dining and late night establishment—serving fresh local seafood, northern game and Alberta beef. Whether it’s a romantic night out, a family dinner or drinks with friends, Coyote’s is here to make your night EPIC.
Born out of a combined passion for tantalizing flavour and exquisite service, Proprietor Ed and Chef Khuyen has made Northern Hospitality our business and we’re proud to serve our community and make great food and great service essential to the northern experience.
To meet the discerning tastes of our local and out of town guest, we meld contemporary and classic cuisine with our Asian heritage to create innovative dishes that tickle the senses and satisfy your cravings. Come visit us and enjoy daily drink and food specials. There’s always something on at Coyote’s. Let our family take care of yours.
Use the contact form below to contact us by email and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. Please call to speak to us about any immediate inquiries.
@CoyotesYK on Instagram and Facebook for news and updates about what’s happening at Coyote’s and for exclusive deals and contests.